My rule: Play nice. Comments (moderated) are welcome, but I will not let anyone post something I deem as mean-spirited.

I've consolidated my Cub Scout helps, printables, and ideas at (Since I'm not an active scout leader I have left the materials up but I don't continue to maintain that blog.)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Memorize "The Living Christ": Week 1

"Christ Calling Peter and Andrew,"
by James T. Harwood
Image from, used with permission
My family is memorizing "The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles" by breaking it down into small sections, using helps from as well as a couple of my own. My helps are aimed at adults and teenagers, but the website above has more ideas for younger children.

Week 1 Assignment
Memorize: "As we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ two millennia ago, we offer our testimony of the reality of His matchless life and the infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice. None other has had so profound an influence upon all who have lived and will yet live upon the earth."

The Plan
  • Print "The Living Christ".
  • Download the mp3 so you can listen to it as well. There is also a video version in ASL.
  • Print the Week 1 assignment  and hang it where you will see it a lot. If it's helpful, after a few days start using the fill-in-the-blank sheet instead.
  • This little booklet covers weeks 1-4. I punched a hole and used a carabiner to hold the pages for one week at a time. 
  • I also created a second little booklet with the same pictures but no words (below). Email me if you want it as a DOC or PDF instead.
  • Keep reading this week's assignment and saying it out loud.

Use the images below or the links for printable helps.

Week 1 assignment

Week 1 assignment, fill-in-the-blank
Weeks1-4 mini booklet with no words

Weeks 1-4 mini booklet with words

1 comment:

  1. Hey I had really learned from looking at this. thank you so much for this. i learned from my Young Women's group
